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Goals, Success, Money

We are in the third week of the New Year and most of us are focusing our attention on losing weight, mostly because we were not able to control ourselves during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays; and that's ok! Now we are ready to take on a New Year; a new beginning. How exciting for some and frustrating for others.

Your New Year can only be as good as you "will" it to be. It will be as good as you "think" it will be. What you experience in the New Year is determined by the effort, the time, and the thought you invest in setting goals and writing your vision for 2017.

Have you ever thought about why some people thrive and others can barely make ends meet? The answer is simple. You must have goals. People who have goals succeed. They know what they want and they know where they are going. You can read thousands of books about success, wealth, money, prosperity, and they will all have a common thread that is woven within each story of a successful person. That common thread among each of them is their ability to set goals. They have this uncanny ability to start with something small, measure goals; accomplish that goal and then move on to the next goal.

How many of us have made the statement "why are they (wealthy people) still working and doing and creating...don't they have enough money?" The wealthy people are always trying to improve on something or create something that will be of service to others. When you have that attitude of service and making life better for yourself as well as others, then you are driven, you want to do more, because you are called to do more; you are destined to do great things. When this happens, you have no other choice but to become more successful.

Where does money fit into this equation? It is simple also. You know the aphorism, that says, "you reap what you sow", you get what you give and on-and-on. When you are doing a great work, providing a great service; providing a great product to masses, prosperity is automatically yours. Your life will be filled with an abundance of money and an abundance of health. You are connected both emotionally and spiritually to the source of all things. Your thoughts are thoughts of success, of never giving up. You believe in you and with that belief you have the full assurance that if you desire money, money will come, if you desire peace, peace will come. Whatever you want; it is there's for the asking.

What are your goals for the New Year? Write the vision, see yourself doing a good work and a good service for others and you will "lack no good thing!"

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